by Wendell Griffen | Jun 19, 2023 | Feature-, Opinion
The Southern Baptist Convention recently expelled two churches who chose women to serve as pastors. The convention also amended its primary doctrinal document to make it clear that Southern Baptists believe that it is not right for women to hold pastoral leadership...
by Jack Moline | Jun 9, 2023 | Feature, Opinion
I have always loved stories, which makes me especially grateful that my faith tradition is filled with them. One such story, from the Hassidic legacy, was told by Rabbi Moshe Lieb Erblich, who is also known as the Sassover Rav. He told of entering a tavern in his...
by Ed Hogan | Jun 9, 2023 | Feature-, Opinion
I am a schoolteacher, so the summer is my time to catch up on the news and binge-watch documentaries. Last week, I did both, reading a news article and watching a docuseries that dovetailed in unexpected ways. Rick Warren wrote an open letter to the Southern Baptist...
by Zach Dawes Jr | May 10, 2023 | Feature-, News
The Southern Baptist Convention reported a continued decline in membership in 2022, even as the total number of baptisms increased. Total membership reported by SBC-affiliated churches for 2022 was 13,223,122, a decline of more than 457,000 members from 2021. This...
by Michael Chancellor | Mar 24, 2023 | Feature, Opinion
Three somewhat recent events clarify the trajectory of the Southern Baptist Convention. First, the departure of Beth Moore for the Anglican Church. I could reference the old “canary in the mine analogy,” which while effective, left a dead canary. Beth left before...