We Could All Use an ‘Advent of the Heart’

We Could All Use an ‘Advent of the Heart’

The second coming of Jesus was a significant focus in the church of my youth. No one, at least as far as I remember, was of the “I know the exact date it will occur so until then don’t count on me for anything” school of thought. Even so, much attention was paid to...
When Jesus Almost Came Back in the ’70s

When Jesus Almost Came Back in the ’70s

We were so sure Jesus was coming back in the 1970s. And he missed a good opportunity. The signs were all there. That’s what we were assured. The whole apocalyptic scheme was surely playing out before us. We read about it, heard sermons aplenty and, of course, sang...

Not Interested in Christmas

A sermon by Randy Hyde, Pastor, Pulaski Heights Baptist Church, Little Rock, Ar. December 1, 2013 First Sunday in Advent Isaiah 2:1-5; Matthew 24:36-44 Are you ready for Christmas yet? “Oh, goodness no. It was enough for me to get through Thanksgiving, what with all...