Keeping Upright on My Bicycle and in Life

Keeping Upright on My Bicycle and in Life

People tell me I have no business riding my bike around town. At age 77, I’ve been hearing this for over 20 years. What these well-meaning advisors don’t know is, I didn’t even own a bike until I reached my senior years. Like many enjoyable hobbies, we wait until...
Workaholism and Greed

Workaholism and Greed

There’s only one addiction for which we are praised – overworking. With every other addiction, concerned others are looking to put you into a clinic or into a recovery program, but if your addiction is work, generally it’s seen as virtue. I know of what I speak. I’m a...
Hush and Bustle

Hush and Bustle

An old friend from many years ago would sometimes bemoan busy times in life by saying something like, “I don’t know whether I’m comin’ or goin’ and sometimes I meet myself in the middle.” His logic may have been lacking, but his point was clear enough: we’ve all had...
When Pastors Go Through Seasons of Doubt

When Pastors Go Through Seasons of Doubt

Pastors go through seasons of doubt. Sometimes, they’re long. You doubt yourself, the world, the future and even God. Maybe it’s wrong to admit this publicly, but this is reality. Pastors aren’t immune to being impacted by what we’re asked to...