by Rob Sellers | Jul 20, 2020 | Opinion
Perhaps the title of my opinion piece caught your attention, as intriguing titles should do. This is a surprising question for a Baptist minister to pose. The fact I am speaking of the terms “socialist” and “fascist” may not make my query any less questionable for...
by Jonty Langley | Aug 15, 2011 | Opinion
“Socialism is a lovely idea, but it is a little naïve about human nature.” That’s a line you’ll hear repeated and reworded in classrooms, churches and cyberspace, whenever “the ideal society” and the inevitably flawed humans who...
by James L. Evans | Mar 15, 2010 | Opinion
In the closing chapters of Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus offers a parable describing the criteria by which the human community will be evaluated on Judgment Day. I remember my surprise years ago when I read these words for the first time. After hearing that we would...
by Larry Wilson | Sep 10, 2009 | Opinion
Kenny Rogers and the First Edition did a song back when I was a young man titled “Tell It All.” The song said, “…tell it all before we fall, tell it all.” We live in a world of half-truths, where people give half-baked answers that become...
by James L. Evans | Mar 13, 2009 | Opinion
It never fails. Just about every time I write about the responsibility we have not only as Christians but also as citizens to provide a viable social safety net for the poor in our midst, someone will fire back to let me know that it is not the job of government to...