by Mary Dyer | Jul 11, 2024 | Feature-, Opinion
It was a lazy afternoon. I was relaxing on the couch with my dog and cats, wearing my favorite T-shirt that reads, “Jesus Took Naps.” It had been a great morning. I had just heard the good news that a publisher had accepted my book submission, “Navigating the Rippling...
by Randy Hyde | May 30, 2013 | General
A sermon by Randy Hyde, Pastor, Pulaski Heights Baptist Church, Little Rock, Ar., May 26, 2013 Memorial Day Sunday Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-35; John 16:12-15 My guess is that what is true for me is pretty much the same for you. My memory just isn’t quite as good as it used...
by Howard Batson | Apr 26, 2012 | General
A sermon delivered by Howard Batson, Pastor, First Baptist Church, Amarillo, Tx., on April 22, 2012. Acts 2:1-13 Someone has said the search for energy is a history of humankind. With energy source prices reaching alarming heights, I certainly understand that...
by Keith Herron | May 23, 2010 | General
A sermon delivered by Keith Herron, Pastor, Holmeswood Baptist Church, Kansas City, Mo., on May 23, 2010. Acts 2:1-21 Pastor Larry Bethune once wrote of a church member who claimed she regularly received letters from God and oddly she would bring them to church to...
by Wendell Griffen | Oct 14, 2009 | General
This sermon was prepared by Wendell Griffen, pastor of the NewMillenniumChurch in Little Rock, Ark., on October 11, 2009. Acts 2: 1-21 Before his ascension, Jesus promised his followers that they would receive power to be witnesses for him throughout the world. He...