Faith in the Dark

A sermon delivered by Wendell Griffen, Pastor, New Millennium Church, Little Rock, Ark., on October 14, 2012. Job 23:1-17 23Then Job answered: 2“Today also my complaint is bitter; his hand is heavy despite my groaning. 3Oh, that I knew where I might find him, that I...

Who Do You Struggle With? The Devil or God

There is a great story in the book “Report to Greco” by Nikos Kazantzakis. When Nikos was young, his mother was very religious; she went to Mass every day. His father was anti-religious, sort of bitter toward religion, and Nikos was torn. When Nikos was 19...

Making Hope Visable

Sermon delivered by Bob Browning, pastor of Smoke Rise Baptist Church in Stone Mountain, G.A., on November 1 2009. Revelation 21: 1-6 When you were going through a tough time, whose words encouraged you? Whose presence lifted your spirits? Who is struggling and needs...

Resurrection Happens

Sermon delivered by Heather Entrekin, pastor of Prairie Baptist Church in Prairie Village, K.S., on May 3 2009. Pslam 23, John 10: 11-18. How is it that a Psalm maybe 2,500 years old about sheep and shepherds can comfort a person today in Kansas City who has never...

At the Table: Take

Sermon delivered by Heather Entrekin, pastor of PrairieBaptistChurch in Prairie Village, K.S., on Mar. 1, 2009. Mark 1: 9-15 When two people come together to be married, they walk down the aisle, there are flowers and cameras flashing, big organ processional,...