In the Flesh

In the Flesh

“Christ is risen; he is risen indeed.” Now, what? We return to our homes and to business as usual.   Jesus said, “It is finished.” So, what is left for his disciples to do?   Hands in pockets, we meander and kick rocks. With the stone removed from Jesus’ grave, the...
Suffering: What Was The Reason?

Suffering: What Was The Reason?

Things Happen.  Those words don’t originate with me but from Dr. Renita Weems, a beloved womanist theologian and scholar. She used them during a sermon called “Unfinished Business.”  In this sermon, she said she had to come face to face with how her theology wounded...
No Thanks to Suffering

No Thanks to Suffering

It’s considered rude to not say, “Thank you.” The expression of gratitude is treated as a rule, used to measure if “your mama taught you better.”  If you don’t express gratitude, then you are considered unworthy of any future gift-giving. Because at least you can say,...
That No One Would Suffer

That No One Would Suffer

For or against, war calls us to take sides, which leaves the pacifist in a difficult position. While there are causes for which I would give my life, there are none worth killing people over. As a peace-worker, I would put my body on the line to ensure that the war...