Facing Some Early-Morning Choices

Facing Some Early-Morning Choices

Author’s note: During this week of Thanksgiving, it seemed judicious to write something a bit lighter than usual. These are serious times, however, and there are crucial issues impacting our nation, including the ongoing struggle for justice and equality, and the...
‘The Neighborhood’

‘The Neighborhood’

From late night talk shows to standup comedy, humor has long been an effective avenue for addressing serious topics. Laughter has a way of disarming audiences, allowing them to hear perspectives they might otherwise overlook or dismiss too quickly due to ingrained...

Game Show Reflects Society’s Worship of Money

NBC’s new game show “The Wall” is troubling. I’ve only seen one episode, but from the very beginning there was something off-putting about the show. I have to admit, though, that it hooked me. I watched until the end, I couldn’t look...