by Christopher Church | Mar 31, 2006 | Opinion
Mid-morning on Sept. 11, 2001, when it seemed all America was glued to TVs or to streaming video of the terrorist assault on the Twin Towers, my eyes were fixed elsewhere. Alone in Pastor Robert Walker’s borrowed study, I was composing my grandmother’s...
by Bob Allen | Aug 15, 2005 | News
A Southern Baptist Convention officer told a national television audience Sunday night that Terri Schiavo was “murdered” by “an adulterous husband.” Introduced as first vice president of the Southern Baptist Convention to a crowd at Two Rivers...
by Linda Lewis | May 9, 2005 | Opinion
The tragic circumstances surrounding Terri Schiavo have produced much conversation about the sanctity of life. Politicians, protestors, and legislators used religious language in their arguments to save Terri. In spite of the fact that the tubes and fluids were...
by Bob Allen | May 9, 2005 | News
The Florida judge who presided over the Terri Schiavo case received a special award from a local legal association Thursday, prompting more controversy in a legal battle that brought him national attention and criticism from the religious right. The West Pasco Bar...
by James L. Evans | Apr 22, 2005 | Opinion
This is a tough time to be a judge in America. Big names from the world of religion and politics claim that the judiciary is “out of control.” These judicial reformers are working overtime to, in their words, give the courts back to the people. What they...