by Jacob Brenton | Feb 10, 2020 | Opinion
Much ink has been spilled on the “conservative resurgence” or “fundamentalist takeover” of the Southern Baptist Convention in the late 20th century. Active readers of this site likely don’t need much of a refresher on the politics of fundamentalism jump-started by...
by Staff | Nov 3, 2014 | News
“Through the Door,”’s documentary on faith and prisons, will be screened during the Baptist General Convention of Texas’ annual meeting with the hope that it will become a widely used moral education resource in Texas churches....
by Kalie Lowrie | May 15, 2014 | News
Twenty-nine parents from Manuel Jara Elementary School in Fort Worth, Texas, set aside time for 11 weeks this spring to learn tools, skills and confidence to raise healthy, caring and responsible children. A graduation ceremony was held on April 30 to recognize the...
by Kalie Lowrie | Sep 25, 2013 | Opinion
Spiritual revival is taking place amid the Syrian crisis. With the escalating disputes in Syria, many are fleeing to neighboring countries to escape the crossfire. Media reports depict great suffering and desperation, yet “God is doing great things in the midst...
by John Hall | Sep 17, 2013 | News
The Immigration Service and Aid Center (ISAAC) opened its doors on the Baptist University of the Américas (BUA) campus Aug. 30 to directly help people with their citizenship issues. ISAAC is Texas Baptists’ first effort to directly help immigrants work within...