by Zach Dawes Jr | Nov 24, 2021 | News
A strong majority (80%) of U.S. adults say that suffering in the world is largely the result of human action, according to a Pew Research Center report published Nov. 23. An even larger percentage of adults who believe in God or a higher power affirmed this...
by Michael Chancellor | Sep 30, 2021 | Opinion
Jim Palmer is a former pastor who has left not only the church but also the Christian faith, founding a humanist group in Nashville, Tennessee. Palmer has become a widely popular humanist who speaks freely about his time leading the largest Christian church in America...
by David George | Sep 14, 2021 | Opinion
Cancer is bad, and there are many other bad things in the world. So, if God is good and God is powerful, why does God allow bad things to happen? There is no final, easy answer to that question, but there are answers. The basic answer is that God made a world with...
by David George | Sep 13, 2021 | Opinion
“It’s cancer,” he said, “and it’s a bad one.” On May 29, 2014, I was standing by the canned green beans in the HEB grocery store in Waco, Texas, when my phone rang. Dr. Robert Faber of Urology Associates in Nashville, Tennessee, was calling with the results of the...
by Mary Elizabeth Hanchey | Mar 30, 2020 | Opinion
On this the Bible is unmistakably clear: One should not test God. COVID-19 provides fodder for some of the heaviest theological and ethical questions: Why does God allow suffering? Are some lives more valuable than others? To us? To God? What values govern our...