by Lon Graham | Aug 3, 2023 | Feature-, Opinion
In 2014, after moving from Rüschlikon to Prague just 19 years prior, the International Baptist Theological Seminary found itself on the verge of yet another move, this time back to western Europe where its story began. The move, announced after years of discussions,...
by Zach Dawes Jr | Apr 27, 2023 | Feature-, News
Religious studies are perceived to be an interesting degree to purse but one that typically leads to lower-than-average earnings by U.S. adults who responded to a YouGov survey published in late March. One in four respondents (26%) said that a religious studies degree...
by Randall Balmer | Feb 21, 2023 | Feature-, Opinion
The email arrived on a Friday afternoon, a bolt out of the blue from Trinity International University. Any notice from a university president entitled “Reimagining the Future” can’t be good news. Sure enough, after the treacly God talk – “educating men and women to...
by Zach Dawes Jr | Sep 15, 2022 | News
David Emmanuel Goatley will become the sixth president of Fuller Seminary in January 2023. The seminary announced the board of trustees’ decision in a Sept. 12 press release, noting that Goatley would be the first Black president of the California-based seminary...
by Ron Rolheiser | Sep 8, 2022 | Opinion
Denominational identity in me runs deep. Born, baptized and raised a Roman Catholic, Roman Catholicism is my second nature, like a brand on my skin. I have no regrets about the congenital grip this has on me, even though now I think of it more as a foundation than as...