“Gran Torino”

I do not think “Gran Torino” is Clint Eastwood’s best film. It is not even the best of the ones I have seen, and I have not seen all of them. His turn in “The Outlaw Josie Wales” is a favorite of mine, but “Unforgiven” is, I believe, his most profound work—a...

The Ethics of Working on Sunday

I promise I am not making this up … My daughter, taking a break from her pursuit of a graduate degree, is a server at the Chili’s a few miles down from our house. Like many others her age she is already pretty critical of the church and its obvious...

Overcome the Divide-and-Conquer Question

The gospel’s adversaries are not interested in honest discussion or answers, but in trying to impugn or divide so as to marginalize believers. The Pharisees, who were religious, and the Herodians, who most probably were not (they were politicos, supporters of...