U.S. Protestant Congregations See Finances Stabilizing

U.S. Protestant Congregations See Finances Stabilizing

Protestant churches in the U.S. are seeing their finances stabilize after a volatile 2020, according to data published on Nov. 16 by LifeWay Research. Comparing financial support in 2020 to that of 2021, only 22% of pastors reported that giving levels had declined....
What Should Be the Basis for Charitable Giving?

What Should Be the Basis for Charitable Giving?

Why do people give money to needy people or public causes? Why should people make charitable or philanthropic contributions? What is altruism and how can it best be implemented? These are questions worth careful consideration. Some of us grew up in churches that...

Who Will Fund Your Church in 10 Years?

There is an elephant in the room that many churches are trying to ignore: future finances. Many small, struggling churches survive financially today because of the faithful giving of people in the past. When churches were full of the Builder generation, the giving was...