The Cool Allure of Vaping Endangers Our Young People

The Cool Allure of Vaping Endangers Our Young People

Someday, soon perhaps, the Juul electronic cigarette will pass into the heap of cast-off youth fads, and we may breathe sighs of relief once that’s over. Until then, fuel for wild-eyed screeds against the product needs to come from somewhere. Religious and moral...

Religious Leaders Call a Strike on Tobacco

(RNS) Religious leaders are hoping to hit a home run in a campaign to get Major League Baseball players to ban tobacco use on fields and dugouts of the national pastime. More than two dozen members of the coalition group Faith United Against Tobacco wrote May 30 to...

Big Tobacco vs. Anti-Tobacco Filters Tough Questions

It’s difficult to see through the smoke surrounding Lorillard Tobacco Company’s recent lawsuit against the anti-smoking American Legacy Foundation. Lorillard, the nation’s fourth largest cigarette maker, sued ALF in Wake County Superior Court in...