Profiles in Goodwill: Tony Brooks

Profiles in Goodwill: Tony Brooks

Tony Brooks is the Baptist General Association of Virginia’s (BGAV’s) Sunday school / discipleship specialist and field strategist for the southside region. Where did you grow up? I had a variety of experiences growing up. Born in Ozark, Alabama, spent a...

4 Ways Your Sunday School Can Combat Domestic Violence

Anybody who has ever had two or more children consuming food at the same time knows that such moments constitute a recipe for family disaster. Picture a pizza. Picture two kids. Picture one knife. Who will cut? That is the question! Let us assume that the chief...

4 Rules on Talking Politics in Sunday School

I have been private about political views and will continue to be. As a religious leader (Sunday school and small-group teachers are also in my category), I can talk about issues based on Scripture, but not any further. It is complicated based on Scripture, which is...