U.S. Jumps to Top of Charity Index

WASHINGTON (RNS) Americans: the most generous people in the world. In this season of giving, that’s no idle gloat. According to a new study, the United States tops a massive global charity survey, rising from fifth place in 2010. The “World Giving Index,” based on...

More Americans Desiging Make-your-own Religion

(RNS) If World War II-era warbler Kate Smith sang today, her anthem could be “Gods Bless America.” That’s one of the key findings in newly released research that reveals America’s drift from clearly defined religious denominations to faiths cut to fit personal...

9/11 Gives Birth to New Generation of Assertive Muslims

(RNS) Under a cloud of suspicion and distrust after the 9/11 attacks, there were stories of men named Muhammad who started going by “Mo,” mosque leaders telling their flocks to lie low and women leaving their headscarves at home. And then there was Asma Mangrio. “My...