by Nathan Napier | Oct 1, 2010 | Opinion
Walk into any Wal-Mart across the country and you are quickly going to run into this phrase: “Save Money. Live Better.” It hangs at the main entrance, adorns the ends of aisles, appears atop your receipt. If consumers aren’t sure before they enter,...
by Robert Parham | Feb 20, 2007 | Opinion
Radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh attacked a Baptist Center for Ethics’ board member in his January 2007 newsletter, calling him “a wacko.” In an article titled “In Sheep’s Clothing,” Limbaugh identified Joe Phelps as one of his...
by Bob Allen | Dec 21, 2006 | News
An American Muslim group has joined a campaign asking Wal-Mart to stop selling a “Left Behind” themed video game, saying it demonizes Islam by creating targets with Muslim-sounding names. A coalition of church-state separation and liberal Christian groups...
by Bob Allen | Dec 19, 2006 | News
A Baptist Center for Ethics Christmas campaign urging Wal-Mart to be a “Golden Rule” employer earned mention in Jay Leno’s Friday “Tonight Show” monologue. “Hey, did you hear about this?” Leno asked. “A controversial new...
by Robert Parham | Dec 18, 2006 | Opinion
Fox News loves little baby Jesus–eternally preserved in swaddling clothes, radiant, helpless, voiceless, surrounded by wise men with gifts, angels in perfect harmony, shepherds with faces of wonderment. Yes, little baby Jesus, the miracle child, the controlled...