How Your Church Can Support Peace for Israel, Palestine

Many Christians across the United States may have little interest in, and perhaps not much knowledge of, the World Council of Churches (WCC). Some Christians are even quite critical of the WCC. Nevertheless, the WCC is involved in many commendable activities. Their...

Baptist Leader Appeals for Church Unity

The unity of the church, wherever and whenever it exists, should be celebrated, said Neville Callam, Baptist World Alliance (BWA) general secretary. Callam, who was speaking during the 10th assembly of the World Council of Churches (WCC) in Busan, South Korea, lauded...

Pope Gets Gloves from WCC Leader to Warm Relations

ROME (RNS/ENInews) The head of the World Council of Churches met Pope Benedict XVI for the first time on Saturday (Dec. 4), saying he wants to strengthen cooperation with the Roman Catholic Church, especially in the Middle East. No official statement was released...