When disaster strikes, no matter where, you can count on N.C. Baptist Men (NCBM) being there. Just two days after a devastating earthquake struck the country of Nepal, two NCBM representatives were on the ground, working in partnership with Hungarian Baptist Aid to provide medical assistance and assess the best possibilities for future ministry.
John Adams, pastor of Salemburg Baptist Church in Salemburg, N.C., and Eric Troyer, a medical doctor from Kannapolis, were among the first responders to arrive in Kathmandu. Adams is an army veteran with special training in search and rescue operations, and a graduate of Campbell University Divinity School. Troyer, who operates a family practice in Kannapolis and has extensive emergency room experience, served as a physician in the Air Force.
A second medical team is primed and ready to go, according to NCBM director Richard Brunson. Other teams will follow to assist with recovery efforts.
Although Nepal is a predominantly Hindu, at least 144 Baptists are among the known dead, according to the Baptist World Alliance. Two Baptist churches were among the seven Christian churches and thousands of other buildings destroyed by the earthquake, which left more than 6,000 dead, 12,000 injured, and up to a million people homeless.
Baptist World Aid forwarded an immediate $10,000 for emergency relief, and is coordinating the global Baptist response to the hard hit area. Relief efforts seek to help all people in need without regard to their religion.
Many people want to help in a situation like this, and many organizations clamor for funds, though some are far less efficient than others. To be sure your contributions are well spent for maximum effectiveness, consider sending a donation to one of the addresses below:
Nepal Disaster Relief
NC Baptist Men
P. O. Box 1107
Cary, NC 27512 (or give online here, designate for Nepal)
Baptist World Aid
Co/Baptist World Alliance
405 North Washington Street
Falls Church, VA 22046 (or give online here)
The people of Nepal may not know how to thank you, but they’ll be blessed — and so will you.