Protestant types love the Holy Land for many reasons, largely for the landscapes, the sense of God’s presence in the land, the feeling that when we walk the main street of ancient Capernaum or cross the worn floor of the Roman police headquarters in the Antonia, we are walking where Jesus walked.

A group of 37 folk landed in Tel Aviv today, traveling with me and others from Campbell University Divinity School. We all arrived safely, healthy, and with luggage intact: praise be to God.

For the first several days of our pilgrimage, we’re staying at a kibbutz hotel called Nof Ginosar. It’s on the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee, between ancient Magdala (home of Mary Magdalene) and ancient Capernaum (home of Peter and Andrew, some of the other disciples, and Jesus’ home base for much of his ministry).

I’m posting a few pictures below for the sake of loved ones back home, and plan to add highlights from our journeys along with more photos for the next ten days or so. Other group members may also be blogging, and I will also post links to their blogs if I can.

At the moment, however, I’ve been in the same clothes for at least 36 hours, and I’m looking forward to sleeping where Jesus slept — or at least within a reasonable proximity.


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