ChickamaugaBy John Pierce

In recognition of the 150th anniversary of the American Civil War, historian Bruce Gourley has done an excellent job of pulling together month-by-month accounts of how Baptists responded to the tragic conflict that divided the nation.

These columns in Baptists Today were culled from mounds of research from Bruce’s doctoral dissertation in Southern history at Auburn University — and have been insightful and helpful to those willing to learn from the past.

Reactions have been mixed from readers expressing deep appreciation for these unique perspectives from a century and a half ago to those wishing we’d not recalled such experiences. And one Southern gentleman dropped his subscription arguing that slavery was not the main issue.

However, Bruce draws his columns (using much verbatim) from the pulpits and pens of Baptist ministers and editors. These direct words also include official resolutions from Baptists North and South.

Appomattox is nearing and the series in Baptists Today is coming to an end in the news journal soon. But this information is too rich and important to pass away.

Bruce has graciously agreed to let Baptists Today — through our Nurturing Faith Books — publish this excellent material in book form. We need 18 sponsors at $100 each to make this happen.

If you will join in this effort, we’ll put your name in the book and send a first copy to you — signed by the author.

Who’s in?

You can make your contribution online at or send a check to: Baptists Today, P.O. Box 6318, Macon, GA 31208-6318. Just indicate it is for “Gourley book.” (The $100 is a charitable gift, minus the $18 cost of the book.)




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