I am an enthusiastic supporter of EthicsDaily.com, sometimes as a donor – more often as a writer.

I am always pleased to be invited to participate in a series of articles, especially if a theological analysis is suggested.

Without this important voice, our ecclesial tribe would be less informed of pressing concerns for persons of faith.

The reach of the Baptist Center for Ethics is staggering. Not only does EthicsDaily.com garner timely and effective articles on wide-ranging issues of our time, but the video projects about race, women in ministry and mass incarceration, to name just a few, draw their constituents into a larger engagement with critical ethical challenges.

The work of the center forms a community of concern and prompts informed action for the common good.

Certain features of the online platform encourage Christian growth.

The “Profiles in Goodwill” celebrate good Baptist work that might go unnoticed; curating blogs from a variety of sources expands awareness; and the engagement beyond Baptist life, such as the pope’s encyclical on the environment (“Laudato Si”), propels readers to realize the breadth of the Body of Christ. This is hardly an insular Baptist movement.

I am always amazed at how much a very lean staff can produce. They are gifted and committed persons, to be sure, but they also find ways to innovate with creativity and vision.

When persons support EthicsDaily.com, they have a sense that significant stewardship is underway.

Strategic decisions about where to place emphasis ensures that resources are used with frugality and intentionality.

I encourage others to offer support also. The work of EthicsDaily.com matters for faithful witness, and we must sustain its mission of truth-telling in a conflicted time.

Editor’s note: Individuals who sign up during August to make monthly donations to support EthicsDaily.com will receive a free T-shirt.

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