I recently had lunch with Jeff Wray, who’s promoting the “Life and Faith Tour,” a series of three ambitious Christian-themed outdoor events billed as “the ultimate family experience.” Each one promises a day of diverse attractions that include popular singing artists like MercyMe, Amy Grant, the David Crowder Band, Point of Grace, Israel Houghton, country crossovers Diamond Rio, and several others. Side stages will feature comedians, a magician, a ventriloquist, and other variety acts, including Veggie Tales characters for the younger children.

The shows are designed more as a source of wholesome entertainment and inspiration rather than as an occasion for evangelism: the keynote speaker for each event is not a high-pressure preacher, but Karen Kingsbury, a popular author in the genre of Christian fiction. 

The events are to be held on the grounds of race tracks in Richmond, Va. (June 19), Rockingham, NC (July 10), and Atlanta, Ga. (July 24). Race tracks typically offer huge parking lots so there’s plenty of room for the attractions, the people, and their transportation. Local vendors will set up shop to provide food options, hopefully adding a boost to the community economy.

The promoters offer another twist, as well. Ten dollars of every $47 admission pass will be donated to a charitable organization of the ticket-buyer’s choosing. And, churches or other organizations can sign up to be among the potential recipients by going to the website www.lifeandfaithtour.com and following the appropriate links. So, the tour offers youth groups, churches, or clubs an opportunity to enjoy an uplifting outing as well as to raise funds.

The project sounds like a good idea, a worthy effort, and a fun day for participants. To learn more, head to the website and see what’s up for the event closest to you.

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