I haven’t commented previously on recent news about a crooked ex-IMB missionary who was able to steal several hundred thousand dollars from customers of an Alabama insurance company after the Southern Baptist International Mission Board chose a cover-up over prosecution and refused to prosecute him for embezzling hundreds of thousands in mission money from Southern Baptists.

IMB trustees preferred to keep the matter quiet and not hurt the board’s image or draw attention to the “closed” part of the world where Benton Gray Harvey had been working (in more ways than one), so they let him off the hook and left him free to victimize others. Today he’s on the lam, living on money he took from others.

I’d say more about it, but I couldn’t say it better or more effectively than my friend George Frink, who has pulled together a number of pertinent quotes and links to go with his cogent commentary, so I’ll just point to his blog and hope you take a look: it’s worth reading.

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