If you are one of the millions of folks in the Southeast whose neighborhood roads looked like this on Sunday, and whose church services were canceled due to snow and ice, write the check today.
As a pastor for 26 years, I always had mixed feelings about snow days. Like anyone else, I enjoyed having an unexpected day off, though I missed the fellowship and worship I always looked forward to on Sunday.
There was always another cause of concern, too — no offering. Few churches can afford to lose a full week’s offering, especially in this current time of economic difficulty when churches are already struggling more than usual.
So, if you tend to contribute your tithes or offerings each week rather than once per month or on a budget basis, remember that you didn’t put anything in the plate today. Go ahead and write the check anyway. Next Sunday, write another one. If you don’t usually contribute, we need to have a whole other talk.
Church expenses go on whether services are held or not. Mission obligations remain. Salaries and utility bills need to be paid.
So, if you didn’t set something aside on Sunday, please write the check today, and bring it with you next week. If God’s folks don’t remain faithful, the financial health of the church, like the squirrel who left these tracks, could be up a tree.