is the No. 1 Christian porn site. Sort of.

It’s actually a Web-based ministry helping people overcome pornography addictions—or prevent such addictions altogether., founded by Californians Mike Foster and Craig Gross, “exists to bring awareness, openness, accountability, and recovery to the church, society, and individuals in the issues of pornography and to begin to provide solutions through non-judgmental and creative means,” according to the site.

The site is technologically sleek, not unlike, which targets teenagers and shares information about the harmful effects of tobacco use. targets teenagers too, since statistics show that pornography appeals particularly to that demographic.

“We desire to have hip and professional packaging for everything associated with,” reads the site. “We do some pretty crazy things around here and come up with some outrageous ideas, but it’s all to shed light on the problem. We are a young organization wanting to be fresh and relevant in our approach and our communication.”

The name——is a calculated risk. It may offend some, but two reasons, the site explains, give it legs: 1) it’s “provocative and memorable,” and 2) the “xxx” makes the site visible “in the darkest corners of the internet,” where pornography addicts lurk.

The site has five main divisions: help and accountability; facts and downloads; get connected; what is xxxchurch; and business, media and law.
The site offers specialized content for men, women, teens, singles, parents and pastors/church leaders. That’s just about everyone.

A quiz helps folks discern if they’re addicted to pornography. A list of organizations and support groups are provided for those affected by pornography addiction. Several free Bible studies explore sexuality. plans to make available (in early 2002) the “X3 Accountability Software.” This free software will track the “questionable” Web sites you visit and send a list of those sites to your two “accountability partners” at the end of each month. Don’t worry—you get to choose your partners.

The site also offers journal entries from the founders’ recent trip to the Adult Expo in Las Vegas. occupied a booth at the Adult Expo and chatted with porn stars, producers, addicts and others, hoping to bring a Christian witness to the industry.

Memorable journal entries include:

“A L.A. Times reporter said, ‘This is the most interesting booth here.'”

“We met Rhea who said, ‘We were shut out from our Christian friends when they learned we were in this industry.'”

“A Jewish man named Hank told us how unique it is for Christians to talk about sex. He told us he knows one rabbi who does.” is getting the hits—over 4 million in one week. And it’s anyone’s guess if those visitors expected addiction help or “hoochie mamas,” to use a phrase from the site.

But one thing’s for certain—the message is out. And it’s rated X for Christian.

Cliff Vaughn is BCE’s associate director.

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