What Contributes to Happiness?

What Contributes to Happiness?

What are the things that contribute to happiness? Internationally acclaimed motivational speaker Denis Waitley insists, “Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned or worn. It is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and...
10 Things About Church That Are Not Changing

10 Things About Church That Are Not Changing

The church is undergoing a huge paradigm shift. While methodologies and strategies have been changing since the followers of Jesus were first called Christians at Antioch, Phyllis Tickle and others have pointed out that approximately every 500 years the church...
Upgrading Our Election Year Conduct

Upgrading Our Election Year Conduct

I had the privilege of spending a part of my summer sabbatical in Europe in 2012. Just before beginning a summer term at Oxford University, I visited several historic sites from the ancient Roman Empire, trying to brush up on my knowledge of the history of Western...
Seven Reflections on Work for Labor Day

Seven Reflections on Work for Labor Day

Work is good and essential in both a civilized society and a spiritual community. Maya Angelou aptly observed, “Nothing will work unless you do.”  Work is not the essence of life, and the avoidance of work is not the key to happiness. However, a positive attitude...
A Drive-by Reflection of Heritage and New Vision

A Drive-by Reflection of Heritage and New Vision

I unexpectedly found myself on several rural backroads during a recent road trip. My GPS had rerouted me to avoid an accident on the interstate, so I took advantage of the opportunity to look for locally owned restaurants and to observe church signs, a habit which is...