Job Openings
Current Listings
2 Full-Time Pastor Positions - Valley Ranch Baptist Church, TX
12/2024Valley Ranch Baptist Church Coppell, Texas is seeking two full-time pastoral positions: Discipleship Pastor and Worship Pastor.Here are the descriptions:
Discipleship Pastor
VRBC is searching for a full-time Discipleship Pastor to lead the adult discipleship ministries of the church. They will partner with the Senior Pastor and other pastoral staff to develop and manage strategies to help every VRBC attendee grow in their relationship with Jesus and become more like him. Primary responsibilities include leading the Adult Grow Group ministry and other adult discipleship opportunities, investing in young adults, and serving as a member of the preaching team. For more information and to apply, visit
pastor. Worship Pastor
VRBC is searching for our next full-time Worship Pastor to lead the corporate worship life of the church. They will serve as a pastor to the congregation and members of the worship ministry, caring for them and encouraging them to worship Jesus in every area of their life. Primary responsibilities include planning, coordinating, and leading worship services; recruiting, developing, and shepherding worship volunteers; overseeing all aspects of worship service production; and supporting worship for all ages and ministries of the church. For more information and to apply, visit
Full-time Pastoral Resident: Second Baptist Church, MO
Second Baptist Church seeks to hire a full-time Pastoral Resident to serve and learn with our congregation for 2-3 years, beginning in late August 2025.
The Pastoral Resident will benefit from a nurturing community at Second Baptist, spending focused time during their residency learning to be a Senior Pastor in ministry as they gain experience in preaching, teaching, pastoral care, administration, and congregational organization. The Resident will also be given opportunities to lead in baptisms, weddings, funerals, family dedications, communion, and other pastoral duties such as coordinating care ministries for the congregation.
The Pastoral Resident should have earned a Master of Divinity degree, will be a somewhat recent seminary graduate, will sense a call to serve as a Senior Pastor, and will have demonstrated the giftedness to excel in this calling. Some ministry or equivalent work experience following seminary is preferred.
Second Baptist Church is a 175-year-old multigenerational church located in Liberty, MO, a fast-growing suburb of Kansas City, MO, within walking distance of William Jewell College and the downtown Liberty square. Second Baptist is committed to fostering meaningful Christ-centered community, whole-life faith, and a transforming missional presence in our world. Second Baptist is affiliated with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.
Applications for this position are due by January 24, 2025, and should be submitted by email to or by mail to: Rev. Constance McNeill, Second Baptist Church, 300 E. Kansas Street, Liberty, MO 64068.
Applicants should submit their resumes with references and a 1-page reflection on their vocational calling/purpose. For more information visit
Full-Time Associate Professor & Duncan Chair of Church Music & Worship, Campbell University Divinity School
Campbell University Divinity School invites applications and nominations for a full-time, tenure-track faculty position as the Gay T. and Haskell A. Duncan Chair of Church Music beginning November 2024. This position will give leadership to the Church Music and Worship concentration in the Master of Divinity degree program, the Church Music and Worship specialization in the Master of Arts in Christian Ministry degree program, and the Church Music and Worship certificate program. The appointee will teach nine hours per semester and should be able to teach courses in practical ministry such as Christian leadership or spiritual formation courses in addition to music and worship. Assigned teaching may be in any of the Divinity School’s degree programs; in addition, the appointee may teach courses in collaboration with the undergraduate departments of Music and of Christian Studies. The salary and rank will be commensurate with the candidate’s qualifications and experience. Contract year is nine months. Additional teaching opportunities are possible in the summer for additional compensation.
The appointee must be supportive of the Christian purpose of Campbell University and the mission of the Divinity School to provide Christ-centered, Bible-based, ministry-focused theological education. The appointee must be able to relate to a diversity of denominational traditions represented within the Divinity School student body. Willingness to represent the Divinity School through speaking and teaching engagements in local congregations and with other constituent groups is expected. A commitment to academic excellence and the ability to work effectively and collegially with faculty, students, and staff is expected. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.
The candidate must have a doctoral degree in church music or a related field from a regionally accredited school also accredited by ATS and a Master’s degree in a theological field (Mdiv preferred). Some ministry experience is required.
For a full list of essential duties and responsibilities and educational/experience requirements, further information, and to apply online, follow this link: CLICK HERE

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