by Martin J. Hodson | Apr 20, 2020 | Opinion
Writing in April 2020, it is difficult to see how Earth Day 2020 on April 22 will register even a small blip in the media, which are now focused on a global pandemic. Quite rightly, governments have switched all of their focus to dealing with the virus, and the Earth...
by Martin J. Hodson | Feb 28, 2019 | Opinion
A crowd of young people appeared suddenly, marching toward me, bearing placards and chanting. It was Friday, Jan. 11, 2019. I had finished a meeting in Oxford, United Kingdom, and was walking through Cornmarket to catch my bus home. As they got closer, I realized this...
by Martin J. Hodson | Jan 25, 2019 | Opinion
Back in the mid-2000s, I was part of a team of scientists, led by Adrian Parker at Oxford Brookes University, which was looking at past climatic changes in the Arabian Peninsula. Adrian would go off to the United Arab Emirates and come back with a whole lot of...
by Martin J. Hodson | Jul 24, 2018 | Opinion
What should investors do with their fossil fuel investments? In early 2015, my wife, Margot, and I were asked to contribute to a collection of essays on fossil fuel divestment by Operation Noah, an organization based in the United Kingdom working to provide a...
by Martin J. Hodson | Jun 12, 2018 | Opinion
Many years ago, I was manning a booth for Sage, Oxford’s Christian environmental group, at the annual Green Fair in Oxford Town Hall. One of the visitors to the booth was Andrew Linzey, the leading Christian animal ethicist. Linzey was concerned that, in his...