Introduction to Publishing

AN INTRODUCTION to publishing a book with Nurturing Faith 

While a formal contract addresses the legal agreements made between an author and a  publisher and are often customized according to the type of book, this overview  highlights the unique benefits of publishing with Nurturing Faith. It is presented as  information only. 

  1. Nurturing Faith is the book publishing arm of Good Faith Media — a recent  merger of two non-profit, faith-based organizations. The same creative and highly  skilled team — with extensive experience in all aspects of the publishing industry  — is still at work, along with increased marketing capacity. 
  2. Nurturing Faith and Good Faith Media also partners with the creative services  firm, FaithLab, LLC, which provides Nurturing Faith authors with access to the  latest in publishing technology, customized marketing, and desirable profit  potential. 
  3. The shortcomings of traditional publishing and self-publishing led us to take a  fresh, innovative approach in which the author and publisher both engage  creatively.  
  4. Authors are valued for their original works and are treated as respected partners in  the publishing process. Our unique arrangement allows authors to make money on  the front end as well as receive much higher royalty payments than are usually  paid by publishers. 
  5. In a typical contract, authors will invest $2,500 to cover the hard costs (design,  copyediting, uploads, ISBN) of publishing the book. In exchange, the author will  usually receive 100 copies of the book to sell as he or she chooses — allowing for  an immediate return on the investment. 
  6. Additionally, authors may buy as many books as they choose at just $2.50 per  copy over the actual printing and shipping costs. This is much lower than buying  them at a reduced percentage of the cover price — and allows for making even  more money from direct sales. 
  7. Nurturing Faith will then pay the author 15 percent royalties (twice as much as  some publishers) on net profits from ongoing book sales. These include ebooks,  print-on-demand and any printed copies that Nurturing Faith chooses to have on  hand for direct sales to customers other than the author. 
  8. Depending on the type and scope of the book project, some subventions may  carry an additional fee of $450 if the book is particularly large or requires  additional interior design work such as extensive daily devotions. When the  manuscript is submitted, we will let you know if this occasional fee applies. 
  9. In addition to direct sales by the author, Nurturing Faith books are sold at, and through Amazon and Barnes & Noble where ebooks are  also available. 
  10. Book titles published by Nurturing Faith receive significant exposure through the  marketing efforts of Good Faith Media — including Nurturing Faith Journal — and during events at which Good Faith Media has a presence. 
  11. Nurturing Faith books are of excellent quality with black-and-white interior pages  and colorful, custom-designed soft covers. Recent cover designs may be seen at
  12. Interested authors may begin the exploration of publishing with Nurturing Faith  by submitting an author’s inquiry form found at us. 


Nurturing Faith also publishes books that are sponsored through a charitable gift (to  Good Faith Media) from an individual donor. This replaces the author’s subvention. The  donor’s name is listed in the book and used in promotional efforts such as boosting sales  through a discounted price at the book’s release. The size of a sponsoring gift (beginning  at $2,500) depends on the scope of the project as agreed upon by the editors, author and  donor. 


Nurturing Faith enjoys publishing partnerships with several organizations. These  arrangements allow the organization to develop excellent resources with Nurturing Faith  providing the publishing expertise. One popular arrangement is a per-book fee of $3,000,  with the organization and author sharing 200 books co-branded by Nurturing Faith and  the partnering organization. 

For additional information, contact Carol Brown at To discuss possible sponsorships or collaborative publishing, please contact Mitch Randall  at Also, visit to learn more  about this unique book publishing venture.