1. Response to Insurrection at the Capitol (First Baptist Church, Washington, D.C.)
  2. Trump Faith Advisors Condemn Insurrection, But Say Benefits of President Will Last Longer Than Controversies (Washington Post)
  3. The Capitol Insurrection Could Not Have Happened Without Guns (Fast Company)
  4. ‘This is America,’ Where White Insurrection is Tolerated and Black Protest Suppressed (Seattle Times)
  5. The Fantasy-Industrial Complex Gave us the Capitol Hill Insurrection (Vox)
  6. People are Dead’: Leading Evangelical Calls for Trump to Resign After Insurrection (Raw Story)
  7. A Christian Insurrection (The Atlantic)
  8. Taking the White Christian Nationalist Symbols at the Capitol Riot Seriously (RNS)
  9. Why Pro-Trump Evangelicals Brought Shofars to DC This Week (Vox)
  10. Trump’s Evangelicals Were Complicit in the Desecration of Our Democracy (Washington Post)
  11. Trump’s Legacy: Voters Who Reject Democracy and Any Politics But Their Own (New York Times)
  12. David French: Only the Church Can Truly Defeat a Christian Insurrection (French Press)
  13. Society of Christian Ethics Issue Statement Calling for Trump’s Removal (RNS)
  14. Mohler Calls Kaylor a ‘Liberal Nitwit’ (Word & Way)
  15. A New Solution for America’s Empty Churches: A Change of Faith (Yahoo News)
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