- Historically Black Churches Embrace Others to Stay Alive for Elders (OZY)
- The Majority of Women Feel Relief, Not Regret, After an Abortion, Study Says (CNN)
- At Least 1,000 Anti-Abortion Marchers Rally in Chicago (Chicago Tribune)
- Episcopal Church, Affiliates Press Texas Governor to Reverse Move to End Refuge Resettlement in State (Episcopal News Service)
- ‘Unparalleled Privilege’: Why White Evangelicals See Trump as Their Savior (The Guardian)
- Christian Colleges Should Interact with the World, Not Oppose It (Sojourners)
- Space Force Leaders Will Swear Oath on a Bible (Colorado Springs Independent)
- Space Force Bible Blessing at National Cathedral Sparks Outrage (NPR)
- Lawsuits in Arkansas, Virginia Test SBC’s Local-Church-Autonomy Defense for Sexual Abuse (BNG)