Mercy Jeyaraja Rao’s story begins in Visakhapatnam, India, born to parents who instilled in her a compassion for those in need and a desire to search for a god who loves and accepts everyone.
Her sense of being called to be a teacher soon after her graduation from high school would shape the next 48 years of her life.
From 1952 to 2002, Rao worked at Timpany School in her hometown, a school established in 1931 by Canadian Baptist Ministries. During her tenure, she served as headmistress, principal, executive director and general director.
The school saw significant growth under her leadership, reaching an enrollment of over 3,000 students across three school campuses by the time of her retirement. Graduates of Timpany School are currently working in at least 40 countries.
My Story is Rao’s story, told by her with gratitude to God for giving her a story of redemption and release.
“Do not doubt God, who made you who you are. Do not compare yourself to anyone, and do not covet another’s gifts,” Rao advises. “Stir up the gifts God has given to you. You are unique and special.”
My Story is available in paperback for $18 (with free shipping) from GFM’s bookstore.
An e-book will be available on Amazon (Kindle) and Barnes and Noble (Nook) within a few weeks.
Reflection and resources at the intersection of faith and culture through an inclusive Christian lens.