- Religious Intolerance is ‘Bigger Cause of Prejudice than Race’ Says Report (The Guardian)
- Robert Jones: Trump’s Election Support from Evangelicals Show’s We’re the Biggles Obstacle to Racial Justice (NBC News)
- Trump Divided the Nation and Their Church, Experts Say, but Evangelicals Have Few Regrets (RNS)
- Trump or No Trump, Religious Authoritarianism is Here to Stay (New York Times)
- ‘Religious Freedom’ Arguments Give Rive to Executive Order Battle (NPR)
- Case on Churches, Cuomo and Coronavirus Arrives at Supreme Court (New York Times)
- Will a Church Get Away with Making a Teen Listen to Recording of Her Rape? (Daily Beast)
- Was Jesus Ugly? The Early Church Thought So (Newsweek)
- Europe: How Robots Could Save One of the World’s Most Unusual Cathedrals (CNN)
- Europe: Ancient Greek God’s Bust Found During Athens Sewer Work (Associated Press)