By John D. Pierce

The March/April issue of Nurturing Faith Journal is rolling off the presses and heading to mailboxes. Get your copy (or digital subscription) at

Chocked full of ORIGINAL content, the journal features insightful analysis of issues and trends impacting faithful living and congregational life.

Historian Bruce Gourley continues his series on “Religion and the American Presidents” with Richard M. Nixon. Bruce also explores the historical context of the current conflicts within American Christianity.

Get acquainted with the affable Dr. Bill Holmes, whose remarkable life story of serving the medical community as both a physician and chaplain is told in the book, Thoughts from the Bedside. Hear his humble advice for those who offer medical and pastoral care.

In this issue we remember our publication’s courageous founding editor, Walker L. Knight, who demonstrated integrity and compassion we all should emulate.

All of this and so much more — including the superb Nurturing Faith Bible Studies by Tony Cartledge.

Subscribe now at Or call (478) 301-5655 for individual or group subscriptions.

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