U.S. Confidence in Church, Organized Religion Declines

U.S. Confidence in Church, Organized Religion Declines

Less than one third of U.S. adults expressed confidence in church or organized religion, according to a Gallup report published July 5. The 31% of respondents who said they have “a great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in church / organized religion is a...
Slim U.S. Majority Has Confidence in Religious Leaders

Slim U.S. Majority Has Confidence in Religious Leaders

A slim majority (55%) of U.S. adults expressed confidence in religious leaders in 2021, according to a Pew Research Center report published Feb. 15. This was the third survey in a row where confidence declined, falling from 63% of respondents expressing “a great deal”...
Gimme That Old-Time Religion? No Thanks, Say Many

Gimme That Old-Time Religion? No Thanks, Say Many

Confidence among U.S. adults in the church or organized religion declined in 2021, along with all but one of the other institutions surveyed by Gallup. The report, published July 14, is an annual survey that asks respondents to share the level of confidence they have...
Organized Religion: 5th in US Confidence Index

Organized Religion: 5th in US Confidence Index

Organized religion ranked fifth out of 16 institutions surveyed by Gallup in its annual confidence index, according to a report published Aug. 12. With 42% of U.S. adults saying they have a “great deal” (25%) or “quite a lot” (17%) of confidence, organized religion...