Republicans Flip-Flop on Unemployment Benefits

Republicans Flip-Flop on Unemployment Benefits

COVID-19 vaccination politics have entered a new era of ridiculousness. Irony abounds on both sides of the aisle, but lately Republicans have stepped too far by reversing themselves on the use of unemployment benefits. Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds (R) signed HF902 on...
Is Trumpism a Cult? Let’s See.

Is Trumpism a Cult? Let’s See.

The word “cult” gets tossed around to the point it takes on pejorative meanings. I resist using it, however, when the technical definitions are not met. Strong allegiance to a religious or political leader is not enough to make one a cultist. Therefore, calling the...

Key Moral Issues Arise in GOP Platform

A key item of business at political conventions will be adopting party platforms. Offering a party’s official take on key issues, platforms serve to define a party and guide its candidates and activists for four years. Republicans are meeting in Cleveland this...