by Randy Hyde | Jan 31, 2013 | General
A sermon delivered by Randy Hyde, Pastor, Pulaski Heights Baptist Church, Little Rock, Ark., on January 27, 2013. Psalm 19:1-14; Luke 4:14-21 The publisher Henry Luce bought Life magazine in 1936. Prior to that, it was a humor and general interest periodical. Luce...
by Bob Allen | Feb 27, 2007 | News
The March cover story of Jerry Falwell’s National Liberty Journal says the world may be on the brink of a major war foretold in the Bible as a precursor to the return of Christ. The story, headlined “Are We on the Precipice of War in Iran?” by...
by Bob Allen | Sep 12, 2006 | News
“Is this the beginning of World War III?” queries the cover story in the September issue of Jerry Falwell’s “National Liberty Journal.” “The crisis in the Middle East is escalating beyond imagination,” writes Edward Hindson,...
by James L. Evans | Mar 13, 2003 | Opinion
What Michael Drosnin offers is not Bible study, but superstition dressed as science. In the old days, it was known as selling “snake oil.” Well, not the words so much as their letters. Let me explain. In 1997, Drosnin published The Bible Code. His pitch in...
by Robert Parham | Feb 5, 2001 | Opinion
Biblical prophecy foretells three paths to peace between Arab states and Israel, according to Michael Rydelnik, professor of Jewish studies at Moody Bible Institute. Peace “will arrive when the Peacemaker, Messiah Jesus, returns to set up His throne and reign...