“The Rich and the Rest of Us”

“Can we still claim ‘the greatest’ status when one out of two Americans is living in poverty or near the poverty line?” asks broadcaster Tavis Smiley and academic Cornel West. This question serves as the crux of their recentlypublishedbook,...

Why Denver’s Tebow Trade Isn’t a Bad Thing

Let’s get one thing straight: I am not “Lin-sane” or a “Tebow Maniac.” While I do not dislike these Christian athletes that have caught the eye of the evangelical world, I do not see much difference between the ministries of basketball...

Why God Doesn’t Recognize Your Plans

For the past three years, I have been a family group Bible study leader with the Baptist Collegiate Ministries at the College of William and Mary. Leading this family group has been one of the greatest blessings I have received at college. Looking back on my first...

Why We Want the Easy Way to Follow Christ

I have overheard and been part of recent conversations about “practicality” in the Gospel message. These conversations initially began by looking at the famous passage from the Sermon on the Mount in which Jesus tells us to turn the other cheek (Matthew...