Why Our Worship Must Focus More on Creation Care

A conversation with my friends around a lunch table made me think. My question was about how the natural world and our Christian faith relate to each other. Each of us responded with a story to share about how we experience God when we walk in a forest, listen to a...

Civil Society’s Crucial Role to Solve Refugee Crisis

The European refugee situation is settling down. There are no more masses arriving, many procedures are in place, and quarrels over the quota are given to the European Court of Justice to solve. Is the crisis over? This was one of the questions asked at the annual...

How You Can Become Literate about God’s Creation

The tradition of celebrating Earth Day on April 22 is one of the fruits of “environmental awakening” in the end of the 1960s. Started in 1970 in the United States, it has grown into an international movement with partners in 196 countries. This...