Workaholism and Greed

Workaholism and Greed

There’s only one addiction for which we are praised – overworking. With every other addiction, concerned others are looking to put you into a clinic or into a recovery program, but if your addiction is work, generally it’s seen as virtue. I know of what I speak. I’m a...
How Greed Affects Us All

How Greed Affects Us All

Have you read the list of the seven deadly sins lately? In case you’ve forgotten, they are the sins of pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth. We live in a society that doesn’t talk much about sin, but one deadly sin — greed – has begun to affect me and...
Why Too Little is Almost Always Better Than Too Much

Why Too Little is Almost Always Better Than Too Much

Too little is almost always better than too much. My children probably didn’t appreciate me mentioning it so much, but from time to time I would remind them of this. That saying was not in harmony with the “Zeitgeist,” the spirit of the age, in which we were living...