The Value of Becoming

The Value of Becoming

The foundation of our faith is rooted in the ongoing challenge of God’s incarnation in Jesus. Incarnation continually challenges our thoughts of God’s divinity and mystery, providing new ways of understanding who God is and what God desires. It is not a...
In the Flesh

In the Flesh

“Christ is risen; he is risen indeed.” Now, what? We return to our homes and to business as usual.   Jesus said, “It is finished.” So, what is left for his disciples to do?   Hands in pockets, we meander and kick rocks. With the stone removed from Jesus’ grave, the...
Fall Giving Campaign: Still Among Us

Fall Giving Campaign: Still Among Us

In the Gospel of John, the evangelist writes, “And the Word became flesh and lived among us” (1:14a). A careful reading of the text points to God’s living word taking human flesh in the person of Jesus from Nazareth. Jesus’ life and teachings demonstrate the full...
What if Crucifixion Is Not Salvific?

What if Crucifixion Is Not Salvific?

What do you do when the hymns we sing reinforce a theology which is, and continues to be, detrimental to the marginalized, those who liberationist theologian Jon Sobrino called “the Crucified People”? “Would you be free from the burden of sin? There’s power in the...