Since We Are Surrounded

Since We Are Surrounded

Kentucky author George Ella Lyon has a great poem titled “Where I’m From.” In it, she offers snapshots of her childhood growing up in the mountains of Eastern Kentucky and the people who have been part of her own story. Recently, my church enjoyed writing our own...
Until Black Women’s Lives Matter

Until Black Women’s Lives Matter

I can hear helicopters circling over my city as I write these words. It’s a few hours after the attorney general’s announcement about Breonna Taylor here in Louisville. Sickness settles in my stomach as I begin to digest the news that one officer was indicted because...
First Short Doc on Women in Ministry Premieres

First Short Doc on Women in Ministry Premieres

The first short documentary in a series produced by Baptist Women in Ministry and premiered Friday, Nov. 16. Around 100 folks gathered at Baylor University’s Mayborn Museum Complex to view the film, which features Mary Alice Birdwhistell, senior pastor...