How Old Am I?

How Old Am I?

Some say it’s rude to ask a woman her age and that a lady never tells it. It’s considered an impolite social custom and, in some cases, offensive given the realities of ageism. But today’s my birthday and I invite you to guess mine. Consider it an exercise in age...
Michael Brown’s Murder Ten Years Later

Michael Brown’s Murder Ten Years Later

On August 9, 2014, eighteen-year-old Michael Brown Jr. was shot and killed by police officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri. Wilson confronted Brown and Dorian Johnson, who were walking in the street, and demanded that they walk on the sidewalk. Accounts suggest...
Where Injustice Lies

Where Injustice Lies

No matter where we are or where we find ourselves, there are cries for justice. The sound cannot be avoided. Unable to be confused with background noise or elevator music, these cries will go on record, disproving that our lives are as comfortable as the sounds we...