When Experiencing a Mental Health Crisis

When Experiencing a Mental Health Crisis

My mental health professional speaks in terms of a “reset” or “reboot.” In other words, “Let’s turn it off and in a bit, turn it back on and see what happens.”  That idea regarding my mental and emotional state elicits a chuckle. Alas, some part of me still has a...
U.S. Suicides at All-Time High

U.S. Suicides at All-Time High

September is Suicide Awareness Month. Suicides in the United States hit a record high last year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It’s an estimated increase of three percent compared to 2021. This is troubling for several reasons. Behind...
Addressing Mental Health Post-Pandemic

Addressing Mental Health Post-Pandemic

The aftershocks of the pandemic continue to challenge us in the area of mental health. However, it is unwise to place all the blame on the pandemic for the worsening mental health issues in the United States. Prior to the pandemic, rates of mental illness in the...