There is no issue more demagogued and misunderstood than the so-called issue of “late-term abortions.”  Third-trimester terminations are, in almost all cases, the result of pregnancies being non-viable or a threat to the woman’s life.

You do not have to believe me to understand why this is so. Just ask any clergy member from any faith tradition.

I served as a congregational rabbi for 30 years. During that time, I witnessed the termination of a pregnancy in the third trimester less than five times. In each instance, the pregnancy was nonviable, or there was a threat to the life of the woman.

In each case, couples were already planning for the newest family addition. They were deciding on names and what color to paint the bedroom or nursery. 

They were buying cribs, blankets, sheets, and a “pack and play.” They were shopping for baby clothes, carriers, car seats, and more! 

Each time, for whatever reason, the pregnancy failed and had to be terminated. In each instance, the family very much wanted the child.

Each time, the blow of not having the ability to deliver a healthy and much-wanted little boy or a little girl was devastating. It was as if it were the death of a person who they had known, a person in their family with whom they were remarkably close. But in this case, it was a potential person whom they wanted to love, raise and become close with as parents.

In my career, I observed such devastating blows. Sometimes, I raised money to give the couple a weekend away to re-organize their thoughts.

I am glad that Judaism respects the holiness of a child in utero. And yet, Judaism always attaches a greater sanctity to the life and health of a mother than to her fetus.

In each case I observed, families were grateful they did not have to deal with the government on this issue. Again, these procedures were medically necessary.

Bringing the government into the life of a family in such an instant is a gross violation, not only of the concept of freedom and freedom of religion, but of the rights of privacy. Bringing the government into such cases only complicates the issue and threatens the life of the mother.

Late-term abortion is a fake issue. It is meant to scare those who don’t know the facts. 

Research has shown that the number of pregnancy terminations performed at 21 weeks or more of gestation is around 1% of the total number of abortions in the U.S. The overwhelming majority of these were done for medically sound reasons and resulted from consultation between the woman and her doctor.

Many issues are more demanding of our attention in the upcoming presidential election than this one. This issue is being “demagogued” to death. 

The entire concept of a “third trimester abortion” only promotes what has been called the “big lie” technique. If you repeat a lie enough, eventually, people will begin to believe it is true.

It is time to set the record straight and uphold the sanctity of allowing women, in consultation with their physicians, to make decisions that are deemed to be medically necessary.


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