Paying Taxes is Our Duty, Not Our Reason to Rant

Did Jesus pay taxes? In all likelihood, he did. The Roman tax system made it virtually impossible for anyone to avoid paying taxes. If you raised crops, produced oil or wine from your vineyard, traveled on roads and over bridges, imported or exported goods, docked at...

No Higher Calling: Advocating for Poor, Powerless

I grew up in a church that recognized people for perfect attendance in Sunday school. As a new Sunday school year began, everyone who had not missed a Sunday the previous year was recognized and given a pin to wear on their clothing. Each Sunday I would see people in...

To Find Your Voice, Listen to God

I hear people refer to finding their voice occasionally. So how does a person find his or her voice? How do you know when you have something to say others need to hear? Perhaps Simon Peter, the leader of Jesus’ disciples, can help us answer these questions. The...
Profiles in Goodwill: Bob Browning

Profiles in Goodwill: Bob Browning

Bob Browning is the pastor of First Baptist Church in Frankfort, Kentucky. 1. Where did you grow up? Greenville, Kentucky, a small town 90 miles north of Nashville, Tennessee. 2. What is your favorite Bible story? Why? The healing of blind Bartimaeus in Mark 10:46-52....