Tarnished Haloes, Open Hearts – By Lynelle Mason

Laced with love and laughter, Tarnished Haloes, Open Hearts: A Story of Finding and Giving Acceptance is a story of giving and finding acceptance in people and places behind the common masks of fragile humanity.

Through poverty, personal losses, and persistent “divine hungers,” this unvarnished story captivates and inspires readers without superficiality or pretense. Lynelle Mason’s refreshingly honest account of her remarkable life experiences is blunt, compelling, and hopeful.

Through her vivid writing, we travel to rural Georgia where one strike of lightning sets a young girl and her family on a course of survival. Then in Florida we witness an encouraging word from a minister’s wife that sets a naive young woman on a fresh course toward a promising future.

Mental illness, sexual identity issues, family fractures, and the recurring presence of strong women intersect in the course of growing toward maturity. This is a story of heartache and hope, obstacles and opportunities, disappointment and acceptance, pain and peace.

Most good writers need a vivid imagination to create enough human drama to capture and keep the attention of readers. Lynelle Mason simply and creatively tells her own fascinating story.

An e-book is available on Amazon (Kindle) and Barnes & Noble (Nook).

Lynelle Mason

Lynelle Mason

Lynelle Sweat Mason, who is fast approaching 90, has published seven Nurturing Faith books. Her latest, Climbing Mountains, August 2020, is based on the life of Dr. Phyllis Miller. As a resident of Ascension Living and a member of First Baptist of Chattanooga, Tennessee, Mason enjoys offering words of encouragement, hugs and laughter with her ever-growing circle of friends. Learn more about Mason on her author page.










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