If I Were God …

If I Were God …

If I were God, I’d do away with February. We do not need four more weeks of cold, dark weather. There’s no baseball — except for the scheduled, mid-month start of spring training (and only if wealthy owners and wealthy players can agree on how to split a huge pot of...

Will Nemo Awaken Us to Climate Change Reality?

I had such a terrible flu that I had no idea that snowstorm Nemo was predicted. However, when it hit, everyone in its path knew that Nemo was here. That path was similar to the track Hurricane Sandy took just a few months ago. So those who were devastated by the...

Baptists Respond to Severe Flooding in Nigeria

The Baptist World Alliance (BWA) has awarded $10,000 for flood relief in Nigeria after torrential rains killed more than 360 people, injured more than 18,000, caused widespread property damage and displaced more than two million people. The worst floods in five...